I am currently senior researcher (CR1) at the INRIA Nancy Grand Est with François Charpillet. I was previously at the Autonomous Systems Lab. led by Prof. Roland Siegwart where I was principal investigator for the NIFTi European project on human-robot teaming for Urban Search and Rescue applications. I was also involved in the TRADR European project on persistent human-robot teaming for disaster response.
My research interests include notably Bayesian modelling and autonomous mobile robotics. I am currently working with Stéphane Magnenat on Bayesian algorithms for behavior learning from demonstration. I am also pursuing work on autonomous navigation in 3D for exploration rovers.
My contact information:
Team Maia
INRIA Nancy Grand Est
615 rue du Jardin Botanique
54600 Villers-lès-Nancy, France
+33 3 54 95 86 30